Monday, July 12, 2010

1 month later

Well it has been just close to a month. Everyone is finally getting used to the fact that I am overseas. I did write a blog statement but it was about getting here. Well getting here was fun, yeah right. From the beginning it was all kinds of messed up to get here. The trail and lead crews were set. We left Miramar on a C-17 cargo plane. Man that had to been the coolest ride ever. We get to VA first stop. Jamie drove out there to visit me. I was so happy she did. That really meant to world to both of us. We both knew 24hrs wasn't enough but it was enough to help. But stayed in VA for a while waiting for aircraft tanker support. It happens but I wanted to get on so i can move on with the next 6-7 months. Well finally left after almost staying a week out there. Got to Spain finally and 2 days later to Qatar. That was the devils fire. Holy crap that was hot. Trust me on hot. Water basically scolded us and it was from the shade. I have been in the mideast before but god we didnt need a microwave. So we finally get the aircraft out of there to KAF. We finally arrived a couple of days later.

I was glad to see the crew and see the aircraft doing a job that they are intented for. I was also glad to see my sleeping quarters. Not to bad i thought it was going to be worse. But it took a while but the shop used to this palce. For me it brought back memories of the past. That is for me and the select few that know. This base isnt to bad excpet for the random rocket attack. The base did get attacked but ground troops but it was much of a force. But the base got the Marines ready lock and loaded. They didnt need to use them they were bummed out. But that also got them charged up in that this is serious business.

We have been flying and doing our job. I will not question why we are here. I understand the orders we are given but I wonder how much it is working? I hope we can make a difference. But one thing for sure that I can say is my squadron is the first Marine fixed winged fighter attack squadron. We are the first to fight and the last to leave. The Red Devils set the path for others squadrons to follow. I cant wait to see what the next few months bring

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Deployment with VMFA-232

Well it is that time again. I recently left MCAS Miramar for my deployment to Afghanstan. The weeks before this deployment was nerve racking but at the same time exciting. I worked my ass off to get all those aircraft to work. We had our problems and we had trials and we overcame them all. . But I am confident that this unit is going to come though with flying colors.

The last few days before we left was good and tough. The unit left days before us. I am part of a trail maintance crew. So that left us with 12 people. Out of that I was the most qualified person and the best. I pulled the impossible out but I also had the most work. I inspected over 200 items alone. Your bound to miss things but I only had a couple of issues. But nothing that would hurt a jet or people. So with that we got it done.

I am currently in VA our first stop to Afghanstan.  We tried to get to our next stop but due to logistical issue out of our control and weather we stayed put. No reason to risk the life if it not nessary, for now. As I sit here in my room I ponder what it took to get us here. The hours spent training a new crew. The days of work up training for the pilots. I will say we left one pilot behind, my Officer in Charge, OIC. He is a great person and great officer. He had to be dropped from our deployment due to a medical issue. The issue is a life changing issue. It was my pleasure to work for him. All those years of training to make it and taken out of the fight. I think of myself and how my wrist injury almost took me out. 1 year of Physical Therapy and 1 surgery and 1 post surgery procedure I made it. I'll tell that story later. I looked at my crew. I noticed that 3 guys have be to war everyone else is out of high school. I know they will preform. They will either do it or someone pays the price.

I can sit here and ramble and ramble but thats what I do. I will preform and I continue to push myself. I have showed my guys that it is possible. I will never tell my guys to do something that I havn't done. That being said I have done alot. I have taken fire and returned it. I have work the longest hours of my life. I have done it for days. So with all that said I bid you a day/night. May God bless my crew.